Tosha said the following~here is a neat picture I took of an orb on the Algona trail in Sault SteMarie, MI. I took the photo but
my camera reader didn't want to read the memory chip. I never did look at the photo but went back to the trail thatsame week
to see where it went. I had been on my various trails at theAlgona ski trails, but this was a new one. Well, I of course walked
alittle further, but it wasn't long down the trial when I had a very strong creepy eerie feeling. I ended up turning around
and leaving. As soon as Iwas off the trail the feeling went away. I looked at the photos on mycamera about a month later and
found this. It was the last photo on the camera. I have taken photos with the camera since (a digital) and they areal normal.
Sent in by, Tosha Stutts

The following photograph was sent in by my niece Kim Marie. She said the following:I attached a photograph of my son
Craig. This is the second picture of him that he has orbs surrounding him.

Photograph below sent in by Motor City Mike he says the following about the photograph~
"My name is Mike and I am new at this. I live in michigan, have you ever seen these glowing
whips before?There where no lights around when I took this photograph."

Samm Bogner sent this in from the Traverse City area Samm said the following:I took this photograph around an old
"burned out" stump (about 15-feet tall) that a friend dubbed "the fairy tree." In the photo, not far from me, maybe
4 feet, is a big ball of white light with little streaks at one side, making it appear to be moving. And it was broad
daylight! (Albeit in the woods.) Samm

I wanted to send you this picture to post on your sight if you find it worthy. I went out to
a cemetary on 10/24/02 in Michigan and took this photo. Although some may think it may be fog, I can tell you that it is not.
My goal from the start, was to obtain proof for MYSELF that we are not alone. I have acquired other photographs
that will convey this. I have no desire to deceive someone into believing. I do however, wish to bring the truth to you and
make you aware. Upon completing another session of pictures and recordings in a Michigan
cemetary on 10/24/02, I observed that I had enough space on my camera for one picture. I always try to follow proper
courtesy and protocol before I take a picture. I stated this would be the last picture of the night and that I was leaving.
I said that if there is anyone who would like to be in this picture stand in front of me now. This is a mistake in my book
of ghost hunting since this may be a calling or invitation for demons to confront you. I should have just asked for permission
and followed the simple protocol. I made a mistake that night! After snapping
the picture, I noticed that my hands got super cold. My hands have never been this cold in my life (I icefish and rarely
ever have to wear gloves). I got spooked and couldn't get out of there soon enough. I could barely grip the steering wheel
on the way home and my hands ached deep down into my bones. My face was not cold nor any other part of my body. It was actually
a pleasant night weather wise. Just my hands ached of severe cold. I got home and downloaded my pictures and this is the result.
I always pray for protection before I go out and cleansing when I get off from location from a site. This night, I honestly
believe that I photographed a demon and glad I had prayed. Look at the center tear dropped
shape. Do you see the bearded devil? How strange it is, that a shadow of a cross lays in the grass off to the lower right?
I cannot explain this picture. I am told that there was "something" taking place in the background and that this was not the
only anomoly there. My computer screen isn't that great and I don't have a good photo enhance program to see everything
that others have seen. I am satisfied with what is obvious in this picture without having to look any deeper into this picture. I
believe that everything encountered may not be a ghost or a spirit. Just as we can be in the company of Angels
and ghosts we are not immune to encountering demons.
Loren Coney

Diane Rousseau sent in the photograph of the
TV spirit.
