Me and my fiancee recently took part in THE WORLDS BIGGEST GHOST HUNT .This took part at the gothic mansion and ruins of the ALTON TOWERS theme park in staffordshire,uk. We were took part in a past life regression sesion in the chapel,and we also walked through the ruins in the dark where
my partner took part in a dowsing experiment. The main event was to try and beat the guiness
world record for the most systematic and scientific study of an alleged haunted location. The
record stood at 250 people and we broke the record by having 840 people complete the attempt. We
managed to get some spooky pictures whilst we were are a few of them,The one on the left is the mansion,right orb
above centre of circle.The bottom room was absolutely full of orbs which i couldnt see on camera ater i took photo,only when
uploaded on p.c i saw them.(can see faces in them when zooming in with picture and fax viewer!

Kirkstone Pass In, UK, 27th August 2007 Recently I went on a trip with my parents to the Lake District.
We decided to stop at a pub called the Kirkstone Pass Inn at the Kirkstone Pass. We've visited there before and I have
always been fascinated by the building and its ghosts. I decided to take some photos on my phone of the inside hoping I'd
catch something. In this photo I have noticed three unusual things, an orb, a face and a strange dark shadow. I have sent
you the normal photo outlining these unusual things and some close ups.
-Hayley Owen, County Durham, England.

The following photo’s
defy explanation they where taken during July in Devon England. The area is close to a remote church and grave yard and the
path that takes you to both places.
Photo 1 shows a weird transparent
demon head swing across the photographers path and Photo2 shows a close up. The area had a strange blue mist in places which
seemed to come and evaporate at will
The 3rd 4th
5th 6th photo shows a strangle glowing object on the path in front of the photographer it looked like
a large jewel on legs or bands which promptly vanished the 4th pictures is a close up note the blue haze
The 7th picture
shows a strangle band of light curving above the car
Thanks Clive
United Kingdom

Dear Madam, have enclosed a few snaps I took last week in a dis-used railway tunnel
in Ravenscar in Yorkshire in the U.K for your interest. I was having a week break with my family in Robin Hood's Bay and stumbled
upon this spot ( quite by chance on the Cleveland way. One of the snaps suggests something paranormal may have occurred. Don't
get me wrong, I'm fascinated by the paranormal anyway but at this time it was the last thing on my mind. I didn't have a torch
(it was 2 O'clock in the afternoon) but had my digital camera with me so walked 20 yards into the tunnel and took a picture
to view the way ahead through the camera's LCD screen. It was the only way I could think of negotiating a dark tunnel without
a light. The first snap is what you would expect. A damp, empty, rubble-strewn tunnel with the odd bottle left behind.
The second snap is half-filled with a mist or smoke which at the time gave me a bit of a fright. You can see from the 3rd
snap I stepped back a little to take another quickly and re-establish normality! I walked in a little further and took another
then turned back. From five photo's only one shows this anomaly. This evening I've returned to Liverpool and uploaded
the snaps onto my P.C for a proper look. Now the very nature of smoke, steam or clouds always allows for the suggestion of
a face or a shape but I can't help but see a skull shape in the centre of the image. It's teeth are in fact the tunnel brickwork
behind it but the symmetry of the eye sockets is very interesting. On the LCD screen which is about an inch square I saw a
large face but no skull. Of course I have no explanation for the 'mist' as it were and it wasn't present in the other photo's. Anyway,
technically I have had to brighten the snaps +10 but that is all. For some reason they appear much darker on my P.C
than on the camera. The three photo's were all taken within a minute at 14.51 precisely.Tell me what you think if you have
time, Many thanks, Ian Cantwell.

This was taking in the
back garden at my boyfriends pub on bonfire night, this place is suppose to be haunted by a blacksmith who died in a fire
(at the pub) some 50 or 60 years ago.The photo was taken by my boyfriend in the back of his pub garden in greens Norton, Northamptonshire.
Michelle sharman
