Our story begins on Christmas Eve, 2007. The night sky was cool and clear with a bright, full
moon. My wife noticed rainbow-like rings around the moon and wanted to photograph it. She had gotten me an HP 5 mp camera
for Christmas, so she took it outside. Being a normal, lazy husband; I stayed inside. When she returned, I noticed how excited
Genia had gotten. Upon looking at the pictures she had taken, I saw that the first three were completely unremarkable. She
didn't know how to operate the zoom, so the moon appeared small. When I got to the fourth photo, I was instantly dumbfounded.
I then enlarged the image and felt a shiver run through my body. I won't bother telling you what we saw, you can judge
for yourself. Could it be an odd cloud formation ? Perhaps.... , but if it is it's really odd. I'm sending the original untouched
photo and an enlargement. I'll also send an enhanced version that can be seen a little better. I'd like to know what everyone
else see's. Thank you, Richard and Genia.
