What is a ghost?
Ghosts-apparitions of dead people or sounds associated with invisible human beings, are the surviving emotional memories
of people. They are people who have not been able for one reason or another to make the transition from their once physical
state into the world of the spirit.
Their state is one of emotional shock caused by sudden death
or great suffering and because of it the individuals involved cannot understand what has happened to them. They are not able
to see beyond their own immediate environment or problems so they are forced to continually relive those final moments of
agony until someone breaks through and explains things to them.
Those who die normally under conditions of adjustment need
not go through this agony and they seem to pass on rapidly into the next dimension of consciousness.
The big difference in a poltergeist experience and either
an apparition or haunting is that in general poltergeists events are centered around one or more particular persons, whereas
an apparition generally appears in one particular place, and the haunting is directly related to a location or object.
Of course there have been exceptions reported. Poltergeists
tend to occur in one place, but usually when the living person {or persons} is present in that location. Apparitions have
been, on a few occasions, reported to follow a particular person around. And if and object that is haunted is moved to a new
location, the phenomenon may continue.
For some reason, unfortunately, it is more difficult for
an apparition to speak than merely appear. Seeing an apparition is more common than almost any other apparitional/spirit encounter,
with perhaps the exception of merely sensing the presence of another entity. In looking over the reported cases of apparitions,
one would notice that ghosts DO NOT look like white-sheeted, cloudy figures, nor are they green goblin figures. In fact, the
way an apparition does appear is often more startling than what is related in those old ghost stories. Ghosts look like people,
like you and me. Sometimes they may be a bit fuzzy around the edges, or a bit see- through, but in general apparitions look
like solid citizens.
In some encounters one may not even realize they are looking
at an apparition, until the figure suddenly vanishes before their eyes. Apparitions have a habit of appearing and disappearing
from ones view. Besides appearing and disappearing mysteriously, these figures also exhibit bits of less-than-normal behavior.
They can it appears walk or transport themselves through solid objects like walls and doors, or appear in midair levitating
their forms off the ground, or of course appear in various states of clarity, fuzzy-focus one moment, sharp and solid the
I took the attached photograph of a young girl apparition
during the day at an old cemetery in Arizona. I took the photograph of the apparition peeking from the grave at the same cemetery
a couple years prior also in the daylight.