Within the city of Ogden, Utah sits Lori and my store Ravens Nest inside the quaint walls of this shop lives several
spirits. When we first entered this space to start to restore the building we were bombarded by the presences nervousness
of us being there.
One particular presence started to show her self in many ways you could feel her more then the others she was handicapped
in life and very confused. Many women who would come in with blonde hair felt her stroke their hair as if admiring it or confused
by its blonde color. Emma as we have come to know her has frightened some by getting in their faces and actually sniffing
others. She pushed one young mans chin pushing him away from his mother as she had been playing with her hair when she walked
into the back room. He jumped at her touch but later said it just scared him that she touched him.
When I first captured her on film she was dressed in the turn of the century clothing around the early
1900s to late 1800s and I tried to explain her look to Lori before she saw the photograph that she reminded me of perhaps
the way the original bird lady from central park had looked. Emma did not like this explanation and threw things about in
our backroom.
Since this time she has calmed down quite a bit and has become part of our lives one lady Sherry who she touches hair whenever
she enters always greets her first when she enters our shop. If she forgets to say hello to Emma, Emma will remind her that
she is there.
From doing research I have found out that Emma was probably Asian she looks to have had something wrong with her eyes as
if perhaps blind in life. Many people who have sensed her have picked up she had been abused and killed on the premises. She
is not and angry spirit but very frightened of men when they enter our shop I have gotten her crouched in the corner very
scared. She has come around since the beginning and is starting to actually touch some of the mens hair when they enter our
building now. One man in particular she likes hair and tends to pet his head when he stands by the counter, he also is a blonde.
I will keep you informed as to her progress and the others in future articles. I have come to find out that downtown Ogden,
Utah is filled with history and haunted by hundreds of spirits in the buildings here a must for the paranormal enthusiast
such as myself. If ever in Utah come by and visit our resident spirits at Ravens Nest you may leave quite surprised...
Photographs taken in Ravens Nest by, Theresa Jodray-Koch of EMMA.
Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars
for ever and ever.
Daniel 12:2,3 NIV
VISIT RAVENS NEST AT: http://theravensnest00.tripod.com/