Hi I am from Kentucky and this was taken of my Halloween decorations on 10/31/01 The before picture there was nothing
and the after picture it was clear. There was no one smoking,it was a clear night no fog and the temp was a nice 60 degrees.
Please feel free to post and comment. Thank you Haunted in ky (Nichole)

Becky said the following ~This is a picture of my friend Jessica taken this past May (2005) at the Mimslyn Inn in Viriginia.
before this picture was taken, Jess and I had talked about how she wished that her grandmother would have been there to see
her on her wedding day, she past a few years ago. Jess and her grandmother were very close. I had taken several
photos back to back of jess in this pose, and this was the only one that something showed up in. I don't know if it
is anything, but it sure doesn't look like dust to me. Please let me know what you think about the photo. I would love
to hear your opinion on it and if you post it. Thanks a million Becky K Kentucky

This isn't the first time people claim to see a serpent above the sun.(Pergamean Church Age) More information can be
found in a book called the Seven Church Ages by William Marrion Branham it can be purchased through Voice Of God Recordings
or call 256-1177
