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I just finished this book. It took me a little less than 24 hrs to read, nearly 500 pgs. it was SO
GOOD, I could not put it down. I was so into learning more about Teri's childhood, teen years, adulthood, all the way up to
now, including life as it happened, marriages, divorce, children, the paranormal, family recipes, her poetry, her Mom's
poetry etc. It was a real page turner, meaning I read and read, just could not put it down. So very interesting. I could so see Teri in every page, even if I hadn't known her, she gave a good description of what was going on, who
she is, who the others were/are and what is important to her on so many levels. Just excellent!I hated
for it to end, it left me wanting more and more. This book helped me and will help others. I have struggled concerning my
own gifts, I wondered the same things that Teri did, is it evil, am I evil??? Of course the answer is no which she so beautifully
explained.I am so happy that this book written and published, what a blessing. I urge you all to get a
copy today! It's just fantabulous! Well received by this author. Janet Caldwell
I also read The book Teri,and yes it kept me gasping for more ,so much in the book I could relate to in
your younger day and it woke up my childhood in lots of ways .I also cried along with you and it brought me joy ! I love the
picture of you in this book its so sweet and just so innocent sitting by the pool,loved that idea ..And I loved how you felt
about your abilities and if you thought you were evil or something yeah I must admit I think that of myself to at times..But
we are not its a gift and a blessing to pass on to others if they listen close,for we do have answers in our crazy life that
we lead . I loved the most about your girlfriend who you are so bonded to till this day ,that to me was such a touching part
in your life with her and than having to loose that friendship ,wow it brought me to tears and it was put across very well
I felt your funny laughing friendship of a true friend that will never die! Thank you for sharing your life with who reads
this Awesome Grand book,it details your life very well .I loved your book Teri and My mom is loving it to ..Thank you for
adding my name to your book that was sweet and wonderful of you to do so Hugs- I love you Teri thank you for our lasting friendship
and its a Honor knowing you and getting to you the rest of you .
Ok enough said Now everyone Get this book its a great
read hard to put down once you start.. sincerely your friend Marie Bolt
Photographs and Tales By Theresa F Koch

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