I took this picture on New Year's Eve (the date on my camera was not set properly) during a concert in Eugene, Oregon
at the Hilton. The band playing was The Satin Love Orchestra, a 70's disco band. I am enclosing two photos, both taken from
the same vantage point. The clearer one was taken before the band started playing, and the second, the odd one, was taken
mid-song whilst bringing down the house (as they did all evening). Other pictures I took did not have this appearance with
the squiggles and what appears to be a man in coveralls standing in the center of the picture (above the end of the guitar's
white"headstock" [end of the neck]). There were no fog machines in use.In the clearer photo you will see some balloon streamers
hanging down, and if you look closely you can ID them in the abnormal photo as well. There was nobody there with any kind
of glow in the dark/neon light necklaces or bracelets or anything like that. there were lights on the stage, but they
were coming from overhead lights ON the stage, and you can see them in the clearer photo. This was taken from a digital camera:
Nikon Coolpix 7600 using a Sandisk memory card. I don't recall what setting I had it on, but it was the same as the other
photo was taken with.The black "apparition" next to "the man in coveralls" is the bass guitar player; she was wearing black
and has black hair. So that one is supposed to be there.
Robyn Stapleton
Junction City, Oregon

Lucinda's update she says the following:
My name is Lucinda Hood-I submitted the picture of the Shanghai Tunnels from Portland, OR.
I have some other pics to share with you-and I would love to hear your opinion of what's going on. Since I got the pics at
the tunnels-I have been very interested in taking photos trying to catch something paranormal. I started taking pictures in
my duplex when I noticed my cat seemed to be watching things in the air that I couldn't see. I got some pretty great results.
I started asking these things if I could take their pictures, and let them know I am aware of their presence. Now they really
come in force! I started out with getting a few really faint orbs-but now I get pics of hundreds of orbs in different colors-detail-and
intensity. I have over 100 photos from the last few months just from around this house, but I only attached a few. Let me
know what you think!

The picture below was taken in the Shanghai Tunnels, downtown Portland, OR. My boyfriend Jason
and I went there for a tour, and he took the picture. The tunnels were used as a holding place for shanghaied people while
they waited to be enslaved on a ship. The room in which the picture was taken was said to be that of a prostitute who was
murdered when she tried to turn in the operation to the police. Who knows if it's true, but it's interesting that the figure
behind the beds is definitely a woman.
Thank you,
Lucinda Hood

The photograph below was sent in by, Amy Proell...

This photograph was taken by Seaside Oregon, It has an amazing orb in the top right corner.
ANGELS by, Theresa Koch
Angels communicate with us through inspiration these messengers of divine guidance stir the fire within our souls
and turn our attention to the light of creativity that permeates the entire universe. This energy is always around us and
with us with the help of the Angels we can bring it into our awareness using their guidance to help us everyday.
As we establish Angel consciousness, we naturally become more creative and open. The Angels awaken us to the vital
importance of expressing ourselves becoming all we are meant to be. As we open up and learn to follow their energy, our souls
delight, your spirit sings and all of life will become a creative statement.
Angels the celestial beings of God are described as this in The American Heritage dic.tion.ar.y. an.gel {an`jel}
n. 1. Theol. A. An immortal spiritual creature attendant upon God and ranked into nine orders. B. An Angel of the lowest order.
2. A good, kind person. 3. Informal. A financial backer of an enterprise. esp a production. [< Gk, angelos, messenger.]
I personally have found if you ask the Angels will show you that to be creative does not always mean being skillful
in art or music sometimes it is just expressing oneself. Loving can be creativity wrapped in a special package and given with
love and devotion. Hope is carefully shown with the strength of the sun rising each and every morning or to a breathtaking
view of the mountains. You begin to feel love and light in all you see in all you do.
By becoming enlightened by your guardian Angel, your Angel will be felt and seen not only by you but also by those
around you. As your creativity will begin to flow and you will begin living life to its fullest with a freedom you have never
felt before. So begin to experience the Angels all you have to do is ask with a pure and open heart. Then youll feel your
own light and creativity start to shine...