This Photograph was taken in 1994 of me in Federal Heavy Infantry uniform by my Mother back
in the Spring of 1994 at the Chickamauga Battlefield in Chickamauga, GA.
Two of my cousins were with my mother and me at the time we were at the park, and we decided to stop near Lytle
hill which was part of the line that broke during the battle and at which there was heavy fighting and several generals wounded
and killed, one of these being Gen.William Haines Lytle. At the time we were taking these shots I remember being Irritated
by something but not being able to put my finger on exactly what it was, I chalked it up a s anxiety. No one in the
party that day saw any ghosts or horses anywhere near our location and doubt that any horse would go off the beaten trail
as in the photograph. At a later date after examining the photo in detail I discovered this image of a Man standing next to
the horses neck as if holding it and he appears to be a balding man with a Mustache in a dark blue suit or uniform. This appears
to be a full body manifestation of a Soldier on the Battlefield. This photo has also been confirmed as unexplainable
by Tom Knight, Photographic expert from N.A.S.A. in 2006.