Below is an email I recieved from my sister In Wicklow, Ireland. I decided to send you the email in its entirety to see
what you think, Our Father died two months ago in nursing home about 3 miles from this location. We went to this botanical
garden alot with our father during our childhood. Here is the email:
We had the oddest experience while going on a stroll in Wicklow. We were just walking along with Sallys friend
Amy and decided to take some photos of ourselves and the scenery. Just to rule out what you probably think you see in
the photos, there was no fog, sunshine, or even light posts. It seemed as though 'something' was with us in that
forest. Bre was taking photos and it seemed as though there was something on the lens, so she took a few more photos
in the same spot and everything was clear as day. Then at certain times we would have this fog like 'spirit' with us!
You may think we are mad, but we swear it was something more then our imaginations! The first photo is of
Bre's jacket, and on it you will see this wierd light on the front of her chest. The last bit of the photos
you will see another of Bre with no wierd light off her chest...crazy. Also, Bre was walking alone back behind the
girls when she felt like there was something behind her and so she said to herself, 'ok, if there really is something behind
me it will show up in the camera like we felt earlier.' So she snapped the photo and you will see there WAS something
there. It is the 7th photo. Then she took another right away and there was nothing. The end photos are just some
that prove there was nothing wrong with the lens and the way that Bre's camera took photographs. So
believe it or not, but here are the photos! love, Bre and Sally
Thanks, Beth Ellwood

I recently took these photos while vacationing in Ireland. The graveyard is just behind the city wall in Derry. The day
was cloudy and overcast. The 2nd picture was taken the night after and is looking out over the city wall where Bloody Sunday
took place in 1972. Both pictures were taken with my Canon Rebel XT.
Christine Brown