I was born with the gift of sight at first I wasn't afraid it seemed normal then earthly realities of this subject set
in and around school age I was terrified of spirit guides, ghosts, negative beings – any spirit, really.
I have spent many a night frozen with fear unable to summon the courage to get out of bed as a child and simply TURN ON
THE LIGHT because I sensed something or someone in the room, trying to get my attention or communicate with me. Sometimes
my heart would beat so fast and all I would hear was the muffled sound of blood pumping really hard around my body as I lay
there terrified! I would wake my sister Donna there is someone standing in the corner of the room or there is a lady over
there by the dresser.
Maybe you’ve had similar experiences. Sometimes those experiences can be real psychic experiences and sometimes our
adrenaline and fear kicks in and we begin to imagine things that aren’t there.
For me, fear was the biggest stumbling block on the path of psychic development. Communicating with spirits seemed
scary – and I really didn’t want to see scary things.
Spirits Aren’t Spooky
I later learned that communicating with spirits doesn’t have to be frightening. I know because I communicate with
spirits all the time. Now it’s not scary – not even a little bit. And this is NOT because I’ve become less
of a wimp, it’s because I’ve learned four perspectives/lessons that make communicating with spirits easier. When
you know these four things, you can make your experience less frightening:
1. Develop Your Claircognizance, not Your Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is the ability to see spirits. It’s one of the more well-known psychic gifts. There’s nothing
wrong with it, but if you’re easily frightened, it’s probably not the best gift to develop intensively.
To reduce a fear of the spirit world, sensitize yourself to your claircognizance. Claircognizance is when you have psychic
information just popping into your brain – which is not scary at all. It is very subtle and is often that subtle judgement
or assumption about an outcome, that comes into your brain just before you have a thought. To develop claircognizance, try
automatic writing (I don’t think anyone can be too scared for automatic writing.) Automatic writing is one of my favourite
methods for communicating with the spirits.
Clairsentience is another non-scary way to communicate with spirit. It is all about gut feelings – and no one can
be scared of their own gut feelings.
As for clairvoyance, it doesn’t HAVE to be that scary either.
I don’t see dead people walking around my neighbourhood though I have a at times – but I don’t generally
see spirits with my bare eyes. When I see deceased spirits, I see them in my mind’s eye. Seeing a spirit in your mind’s
eye is not as scary as seeing a dead person walking around for many people.
Now for the second way you can reduce fear when interacting with spirits:
2. Increase Your Level of Control and Sovereignty
You can quickly become more in control of HOW and WHEN you receive information.
Don’t want to see
spirits? – Tell your Spirit Guides and Higher Self. Let them know you are not comfortable getting messages
through clairvoyance.
Don’t want to be surprised by spirits? – Tell your guides you will tune into them once a day
but you don’t want surprise input without you asking for it.
Even when you do see spirits in your mind’s eye, you are in control – you can make the spirit clearer, or less
vivid. You can tune it out. You can tell it to go away. You can turn your mind’s eye off and completely ignore it (there
may be times when you do need to do this). You can tell your spirit guides not to allow spirits to come through to you when
you’re not consciously asking for it. You are essentially in control of your mind’s eye and you can turn off visions.
It’s the same with clairaudience (which is the ability to hear spirits.)
When it’s Time to Turn off Psychic Abilities
If you hear voices or see visions that you cannot
control, then you really need to know that it is possible to turn it off, and you have to want to.
Telling Spirits to Get Lost
Being in control also applies to your space and your home. Do you sense something in your space when it shouldn’t
be? Tell it to get the hell out. You can because you’re in control of your energy and your space. Nothing should enter
your energy field without your permission. It’s the same with your space. If you are renting or own your space, then
intruding energies shouldn’t enter it without permission. The only time they can enter your space and your energy is
when you forget you’re in charge and get too scared to boot them out, or when you haven’t consciously set parameters
around this. That can happen when you have a weak solar plexus chakra.
You can make prayers and rituals to make it really clear to the unseen world that you are the sovereign of your
space and energy.
Here’s one way of doing this:
1. Light a white candle
2. Call on your higher self and spirit guides
3. Visualize putting a bubble around yourself
4. Repeat the affirmation:
“Nothing can enter my space without my permission.”
Say it ten times, as a command.
Or my favorite way is to clear the space arm to the square I command you too leave in the sacred name of Jesus Christ.
Say it ten times, as a command
If you say this over and over to yourself, it builds up your sense of power. Say it with an attitude and even anger if
you feel like something is intruding on your space or scaring you. Anger is one step better than feeling helpless. It helps
to raise your vibration if you’re in a space of fear.
Now let’s talk about the third way to make the spirit world less frightening…
3. Communicate with Spirit More Often
One way to make communicating with the spirit world less frightening is to do it more often. There comes a point when talking
to spirits is a bit like picking up the phone, and it becomes a bit mundane!
In the beginning, I used to get really creeped out because when I tuned into my spirit guides, I used to feel tingling
on the sides of my head. Now that has become a commonplace occurrence – it happens a lot when I do readings but I barely
notice it now.
You may be creeped out the first time you communicate with spirit, but you definitely won’t be creeped out once you’ve
done it 20 times!
4. Don’t Watch Scary Films about Ghosts
One final tip: If you don’t want scary spirit experiences, I advise not watching scary films about ghosts and evil
spirits! Those are designed to evoke fear to give you a thrill and so often they have nothing to do with
the reality of communicating with spirits. They’re definitely not helpful for reducing fear of the spirit world if you
are the type who is easily frightened in that regard. Many Ghost investigation sites even make the sight look or feel scary
its not a scary thing, after all I believe we all will be ghosts someday so why be afraid of that level. The spirits around
you may be someone you knew in life they are the same person just at a different level. Now I love to communicate with the
spirits my favorite thing is investigating haunted places. Though there are malicious spirits generally it is perhaps your
late Aunt or childhood friend or a distant relative. Don't get me wrong I love scary movies and haunted attractions but when
it comes to the real world most of the ghosts or spirits you will deal with are just reaching out to you through the veil.
Theresa F Koch