I recently accepted a housekeeper position where the basement apartment is provided to me as part of my pay. The couple
I work for use the main level of the two-story home and the guestroom is on the top floor of the house along with another
apartment. There is also a small apartment in the basement across the hall from me.
One day I was on the main level, cleaning up the kitchen. A man knocked on the door, looking for Mr. S. I was sure I had
seen him going down the hall toward his computer room, so I told the man I would go get him. I got halfway down the hall when
a mans voice said, "Mark is upstairs." I said okay and went back into the kitchen. When I asked the man if he was going upstairs
or if he wanted me to, he looked puzzled. I asked, "Didnt you just say he was upstairs?" He said no, but he would go up and
look. He looked at me like I had lost my mind, but I heard a mans voice tell me where Mr. S. was and I was the only person
in the house.
Another day, I was in the kitchen of my apartment when my son came in and looked at me with a strange look. He said he
just saw me go into the living room. I told him I had been in the kitchen the whole time and didnt go into the living room.
He said, "I just saw a short lady with long, black hair go into the living room." I asked him what color my hair is and he
got nervous when he said "red". Then he decided it was okay because it was probably his guardian angel keeping an eye on him.
I agreed, but wasnt positive thats what it was.
One morning, I was in my kitchen, talking on the phone to a friend of mine. I had just filled my teapot with water and
set it on the stove when my sons small Nerf football came sailing through the doorway. I thought Ty was trying to spook me,
so I quickly peeked around the corner to see him sound asleep in his bed. I looked at my cat asleep in my chair and got chills.
Once again, there was no one else in the house. I went to Ty and asked him if he threw a football. He said he didnt think
so and he went back to sleep. My friend was trying to get my attention because I stopped talking in the middle of a sentence.
I told her what happened and got off of the phone soon after. I decided to try something so I would know for sure if my imagination
was getting the best of me.
I started talking to the unknown being and said, "If I am not living here alone, please give me some kind of sign that
you are here." Less than a second later, a book fell off of my bookcase. Tyler and the cat were still asleep and there was
no way it could have fallen unless it was pushed. I was in the kitchen at the time it fell, so that leaves me out.
I decided to ask Mrs. S. about it, so when I saw her later that morning I asked her, "Do you believe in ghosts?" She said,
"We have one here." She gave me the history of the house and told me she researched it thoroughly after she and her husband
watched a glass slide across the table and fall to the floor. She didnt know the ghost traveled through the whole house because
Im the first person who ever mentioned anything about it.
There have been no known deaths in the house or on the land as far as she knows. She said that there was a mentally and
physically challenged boy that lived to be 28 years old. He had a nurse that would come in the morning when he woke up and
stay until she put him to bed at night. Could it be that the boy felt comfortable being in this house and returned after he
passed on? Could the lady Ty saw be the boys nurse who still feels responsible for his care and wont leave until he does?
I may never know the identity of the ghost(s), but I will urge them to the light so they can find peace where they belong.
Sandy Johnson
Omeha, Nebraska