Ask it to shake your hand if it’s a resurrected spirit it will shake your hand and you will feel it, if it’s
a non resurrected being and good spirit it won’t touch you because it’s against the laws of heaven but if it shakes
your hand and you don’t feel it is an evil spirit.
When we speak of the Spirit, we refer to the gift of the Holy Ghost. While the light of Christ enlightens all who come
into the world, the spirit of the Holy Ghost is something more. The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead; a personage
of spirit, he speaks not for himself, but testifies to all that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and conveys to man the
mind and will of the Lord (see John 16:13–15). He has a sanctifying and cleansing influence upon the souls of men and
is the source of spiritual GIFTS
Theresa f Koch