Thank you so much! You've done an excellent job! The house has been fairly "quiet" recently except for one or two photos
with orbs but I feel the activity is beginning to increase. The kettle has taken to switching itself on, and the kitchen lights
flicker and stay off for a couple of minutes up to an hour! I shall be taking lots of photos. However, I do have two strange
The first was last week - Mark and I (next door neighbour) went to see a clairvoyant. She was very accurate but never
mentioned the house. Afterwards we went to a nearby pub to have a drink and discuss what had been said by the clairvoyant
who had told Mark he was very psychic himself. We sat down at a table near the door. After 20 minutes of discussing Mark being
psychic, the lights in the pub went out and the emergency generators cut in. We thought it was a general power cut. The lights
came back on. Again, they went out again. A man came out from behind the bar and asked me what I had done as it had never
happened before in all the history of the pub!!!! (As if it were my fault!) Mark laughed and said it must have been a spirit
with me playing tricks!
The second concerned my laptop being taken in a local shop for repair. I told the shop owner about the history of the
house (the shop wasn't too far from my house) and we discussed the history of the mills - his shop being located nearer the
"front" end of the mill - and my house being at the "back". I was sitting on the stool at the counter as we discussed things
and eventually I left, leaving the laptop in for repair. I returned three days later, and the owner told me of a strange incident
which had never happened before - until I visited! After I'd left the laptop, he'd taken it into the back of the shop and
happened to glance at the live CCTV camera which was trained in the front of the shop and clearly showed me sitting at the
counter!! He thought I'd returned so we went back to the shop front but I wasn't there!! The CCTV camera had "frozen" when
I was sitting in the shop! He said it had never frozen before! Needless to say, I got "blamed" !!!
I've attached two recent photos and the rest of them taken on that date showed nothing at all! 007 shows a moving pink