OLD TOMBSTONE CARVINGS: The term "Relict" on a tombstone means that the woman was a widow at time of death,
consort means that her husband survived her.
"Cenotaph" engraved on a tombstone indicates an empty grave, with the
stone erected in honor or memory of a person buried elsewhere - often erected in honor of a person lost at sea.
words G.A.R. (with a flying flag) on a tombstone means Grand Army of the Republic. It was a political organization of Civil
War Union Army Soldiers. They held annual encampments and had various decorations to wear.
V.D.M. on Tombstone - verbi
Dei minister - Minister of the Word of God
W.O.W stands for "Woodmen of the World" the upright tree stump markers are
typical of the type of grave stone used by the fraternity.
MEANINGS OF CARVINGS ON HEADSTONES: Anchors and Ships--- Hope or Seafaring profession Arches--- Victory in Death Arrows---
Mortality Bouquets/flowers--- condolences, grief, sorrow Broken Column--- Loss of head of family Broken Ring--- Family
circle severed Buds/Rosebud--- Morning of life or renewal of life Bugles--- Resurrection and the military Butterfly---
Short-lived; early death Candle being Snuffed--- Time, mortality Hand of God Chopping--- Sudden death Cherub--- Angelic Corn---
Ripe old age Cross--- Emblem of faith Crossed Swords--- High-ranking military person Darts-- Mortality Doves---
The Soul, purity, innocence, affection, gentleness Father Time--- Mortality, The Grim Reaper Flowers--- Brevity of
early existence, sorrow Flying Birds--- Flight of the soul Fruits --- Eternal plenty Full-Blown Rose--- Prime of
life Garlands --- Victory in death Imps--- Mortality Hands of God Chopping--- Sudden Death Handshakes--- Farewell
to earthly existence Harp--- Praise to the Maker Hearts--- Soul in bliss or love of Christ Horns--- The Resurrection Hourglass---
Swiftness of time Hourglass w/Wings of Time--- Time flying; short life Ivy--- Friendship and immortality Lamb---
Innocence Laurel--- Fame or victory Lily or Lily of Valley--- Emblem of innocence and purity Morning Glory--- Beginning
of life Oak Leaves & Acorn--- Maturity, ripe old age Open Book/Bible--- Deceased teacher, minister, etc. Palm
Branch--- Signifies victory and rejoicing Picks and Shovels--- Mortality Poppy--- Sleep Portals--- Passageway to
eternal journey Roses--- Brevity of earthly existence Sheaf of Wheat--- Ripe for harvest, divine harvest time Shells---
Pilgrimage of life Stars & Stripes Around Eagle--- Eternal vigilance, liberty Suns--- The Resurrection Thistles---
Remembrance Tombs--- Mortality Torch Inverted--- Life extinct Trees--- Life Tree Stump w/Ivy--- Head of family;
immortality Trumpeters--- Heralds of the resurrection Urn with Blaze --- Undying friendship Urn with /wreath or crepe---
mourning Weeping Willow--- Emblem of sorrow Willows--- Eternal sorrow Winged Effigies--- Flight of the soul
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