Paper by, Rev Dr Theresa F Koch MS
Born in 1877, Edgar Cayce grew up in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. A hard-working farm boy who was
devoted to the teachings of the bible. Wherever he went while performing his farm chores and during his free time he carried
the bible with him taking every available opportunity to read through its pages, reading and rereading every psalm and chapter.

One day when he was 13 years old and sprawled under a tree reading about Manoah, the father
of Old Testament strong man Samson, he was struck by the feel that he wasn’t alone. Looking up, he saw the figure of
a woman in front of him and realized that she was an Angel. “Your prayers have been heard,” the Angelic being
advised. “Tell me what you would like most of all, so that I may give it to you.”
After only a few moments hesitation and thought, the startled young man replied: ”Most
of all I would like to be helpful to others, and especially to children when they are sick.” With that the Angelic figure
vanished. Following that brief visitation, the devout farm boy developed amazing powers, and through out his lifetime up until
his death in 1945 he gave more than 14,000 health readings and performed almost as many treatments and healings.
More than a half-century after his death Cayce is better known for his remarkable prophecies.
Some of his most profoundly disturbing visions were apocalyptic scenes dealing with the destruction of civilization, and the
Second Coming of Christ- events predicted to occur during the early years of the new Millennium. Some of those have been uncovered
only recently and were reportedly confined to a close associate shortly before the great seer died in Roanoke, Virginia, convalescent
home on January 5th, 1945-the exact date he forecast for his demise only four years earlier.
Cayce had only a few weeks to live when he confided his chilling visions of cataclysmic events
expected to occur in the early years of the Millennium, during the lifetimes of most people alive today. His gloomy vision
of the future foresaw a global holocaust and the end of civilization, as it is currently known, with the forces of light and
darkness facing off in a final conflict. Dramatically disastrous natural calamities caused by shifts in the polar axis will
add to the manmade calamities, Cayce cautioned. He also warned that furious electrical storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and
strings of volcanic eruptions, tidal waves, and earthquakes would assault the earth.