Hi, I took this photo about 3 months ago in Soap Lake , WA of a
large bar-b-que that was shaped like a locomotive engine. A few days later I was looking at the pictures on my PC and noticed
several faces in the flames. I have counted 11 faces, plus the one in the lower left portion of the photo in the small square
door. I call him Chewbacca. The photo was taken with my Fugi S602Z and has not been altered in any way except that I
cropped it to make the image larger on the screen. Please give me your opinion of this weird anomaly. I have shown it to several
family and friends and everyone seems to find several of the faces right away. Tony from Malaga, WA

I snapped these photos at the Clipper mine tunnel in Pierce county wa, Thanks great site Dave

Photographs below sent in by, Sonya O'Brien