Please find attatched my 2 photos as you will see there is a picture of myself my daughter and my newborn
daughter my husband took a picture on a normal 35 ml film when I had them developed I noticed that on the chair to my left
are two white flash marks which at first I thought were the flash reflection but looking closely it resembled two faces the
top a woman with her eyes closed and underneath a baby with its eyes closed very strange . I put it away in my album and now
and again I would show people the faces and they could all see the images so my nephew wanted to zoom up on the image and
highlight the areas and it is very spooky as you can see the second picture of what he has done . I've tried sending them
to other websites but none of them reply.It is 100% genuine as I don't believe in dabbling with photoshop as other people
make fakes. I'd love for you to comment on this Thank you Lynn