Photographs from Lori Lassick. Lori said the following:I am from Saltsburg, PA. My family and I recently toured the Baker
Museum which is located near Altoona, PA. During the tour I took tons of photos, as we knew going into it that is supposed
to be "haunted". During the tour, none of us had much of what you would call a first hand expierence. However, during the
tour of the basement, a few strange things happend. There is a room that they call the refridgeration room, basically just
a room beneath the basement that they used to store their cold foods back in the 1800's. We all felt very strange looking
down into the room (we were not allowed to physically go down to the room, just look down into it from the steps). My two
year old son came within 2 feet of the doorway and absolutly refused to go any further, saying that there was a scary soldier
down there on the steps and he said "he's not coming back". My two year old is a rather easy going kid, so to see him react
like this was rather strange. And, for him to tell a story like that for as young as he is also struck me as weird. Anyways,
after he said that I immediatly took photos of the room and found two orbs in my photo. I took another 5 or 6 photos after
with nothing else showing up in them. After we got home and I reviewed all of the other photos i came to see that there are
a few photos in question. I know that you don't nessacerily believe in the orb thing, but it would be nice to get a 2nd opionion
anyways. The other photos in question are one of a bed with a mist to the right of it, and the wedding gown.
The wedding gown has a hand shape pointing out of the sleeve, and I am 99.9% certain that it is just a relfection, but you
can't see anything else of the reflection if that's what it is. I look forward to hearing from you!
