Have you experienced the paranormal? Have you taken a paranormal photo?
Do you believe that you have experienced evidence of paranormal activity? Are these events too unusual or far
from the normal to easily ignore? Do you suspect something is happening that can not be explained?
Then contact us we would be happy to post your evidence on our site.
Visiting this site will make you a believer in life after death......
GHOUL: A spirit that feeds on corpes or person of morbid interests.
GHOST: A spirit; wraith; specter; anything vague, shadowy.
PARANORMAL: Not explicable by known scientific laws.
SPIRIT: Person's mind or feelings; soul. Soul separated from the body, as after
death ; Ghost or life force.
VORTEX: Whirlpool; whirling mass; anything that engulfs.
GHOST LIGHTS: Often known as Will-o'-the-wisp or Ignis fatuus which is
a mysterious light associated with spirits. The will-o'-the-wisp, sometimes will-o'-wisp or ignis
fatuus refers to the ghostly lights sometimes seen at night or twilight often over bogs. It looks like a flickering
lamp, and is sometimes said to recede if approached.
ORB: Sphere; globe. Ceremonial symbol of royalty.
When it comes to searching for ghosts, you'd think that only
the most reliable methods would be used in an attempt to get solid evidence for something as mysterious and elusive as a spirit.
Yet in ghost hunting, often the less scientific the methods and equipment, the more likely a researcher is to find "evidence"
for ghosts it seems, all of my apparition photographs were taken when I just had a camera with me and went by my own sensitivity.
Different things work for different people.Wherever erratic fluctuating EMFs are commonly found. It seems these energy fields
have some definite connection to the presence of ghosts. The exact nature of that connection is still a mystery. However,
the anomalous fields are easy to find. Whenever you locate one, a ghost might be present, any erratic EMF fluctuations you
may detect may indicate ghostly activity. Just as cold spots as well as some people say they get a mild headache or a spacey
feeling which I have experienced. What really matters isn't how you get your proof of life beyond the veil but the evidence
Theresa F Koch
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